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Best reason to buy or sell with Karla Dunavant

People's Experiences

Karla will answer any questions you have about real estate needs, who is qualified to help you in Lake Havasu City, AZ.

Karla is very professional at all times. Sold my house to first buyer, got what I wanted, great offer. She pays attention to detail, very honest, stays in touch by text or phone. You know what’s going on at all times. She doesn’t ignore you once she gets the listing. She knows the Refuge better than anyone, she has worked out there since the beginning, 11 or 12 yrs ago. She works 6-7 days a week, she is showing your listing not just waiting for someone else to sell it. I highly recommend her for listing or selling your house in the Refuge! I would give her a 10 on a scale of 1 to 10. My offer is pending but I am confident it will be a successful escrow. She knows what she is doing.

Searching for a home in the Refuge?

Karla is the single more experienced real estate agent for buyers and sellers for the Refuge.

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